How Virtual Reality is Set to Revolutionize Urban Living

Virtual reality is commonly associated with the gaming and entertainment realm, with users immersing themselves in computer-generated worlds. Yet the technology could play a vital role to revolutionize urban living, with the potential to transform urban landscapes across the globe.
Sao Paulo’s Most Innovative Buildings: 5 Stunning Examples

In a city of multitudes, the architectural traditions that characterize the city are far from homogeneous: Sao Paulo is constantly evolving as futuristic designs take their place alongside colonial-era landmarks and much-loved modernist masterpieces.
A Perfect Blend of Ancient Egyptian Heritage and Innovative Access Solutions

The Museo Egizio in Turin, Italy, first opened its doors to visitors in 1824. A few years ago, the Egyptian Museum in Turin underwent a massive refurbishment that required innovative access solutions.
The Vodafone Campus in Düsseldorf; Welcome to the Ideal Workplace of the Future

Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, employees can often work away from the office nowadays, from a location best suited to their task. Vodafone Germany picked up on this trend and created a modern workplace in Düsseldorf for its 5,000 employees.
Why Senior Living Facilities Should Utilize Accessible Access

Experts are predicting a significant boom in the aging population throughout this century, the likes of which we’ve never seen before, which in turn will increase the need for state of the art Senior Living Facilities.
How a Congress Center in a Tiny Alpine Village Went Global

Every year the congress center in Altbach becomes the interdisciplinary meeting spot for 5,000 Europeans from science, business, politics, and culture.