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The New Normal of Construction: 5 Disruptions to Watch

The New Normal of Construction

Construction remains one of the least digitized industries globally. Construction’s limited digitization contributes to ill-informed decisions and inefficient industry processes, accelerating financial and environmental costs

The Best BIM Software for 2021 Revealed

BIM Software

Just a year after we published our last year’s review of the best BIM software, the market kept growing at a steady rate, with higher demand and new products entering the picture.

The Future of BIM: Internal Optimization and Interoperability

Future of BIM

Despite different architectural styles, histories, and locations, Westminster Abbey, Cathedrals of Milan and Cologne, the Palace of Alhambra, and Stonehenge have many things in common. They’re all iconic landmarks visited by millions of people a year.

The Top 6 Benefits of BIM

Even though construction remains one of the least digitized industries, the rising adaptation of Building Information Modeling (BIM) shows how easily the right technologies are included in existing processes. From early prototypes in the 1970s to mature models of the 2010s, BIM has experienced a huge development.

Hand-drawn No More: A Brief History of BIM

History of BIM

By now, Building Information Modelling (BIM) is as ubiquitous as pen and paper in architectural design and it continues to grow. By 2027, the BIM software market’s global value will reach USD 15 billion, almost tripling from USD 5.2 billion in 2019. But the history of BIM is only just beginning.

Disaster-resilient Architecture: How Architecture Can Reduce Risks

Disaster-resilient Architecture

Over the last decades, natural disasters have been growing in strength and frequency as a result of climate change. The number of weather-related disasters has tripled over the previous 30 years. Furthermore, among the 20,000 earthquakes that shake the world every year, about 16 are in the magnitude of seven or higher.