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When to Upgrade an Automatic Pedestrian Door

When to Upgrade an Automatic Pedestrian Door

An automatic door confers many advantages to both the operator and the user, especially if it’s manufactured in compliance with strict standards and regulations, including work code, fire safety, accessibility, burglar-proofing, and energy savings. Nevertheless, following years of usage, it might still be necessary to replace it for the following reasons.

Food Safety: Hygiene Essentials for Food Factories

Food Safety: Hygiene Essentials for Food Factories

“Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food,” famously said the Ancient Greek philosopher Hippocrates (400 BC), to emphasize the link between nutrition and health. Indeed, there’s no way to disagree: Food gives us life, health

Everything You Need to Know About Door Closer Maintenance

Door Closer Maintenance

Door closers usually don’t get as much attention as the locks or a handle. However, they’re still crucial tools for safety and security. Door closers are inexpensive enhancers of energy efficiency — and they can even stop fires from spreading and save lives.

4 Ways to Prevent Tailgating


Tailgating, the passage of an unauthorized person behind authorized personnel, is one of the most common physical security breaches. Also known as “piggybacking”, tailgating often results from a random act of kindness such as holding the door to a stranger.

The Ultimate Guide to Turnstiles: 4 Benefits and Advantages

Human, Person, Flooring, turnstile

When the US supermarket chain Piggly Wiggly opened its doors to customers in the early 20th century, its founder Clarence Saunders worried about overcrowding and mass hysteria. Hence, he installed an entry system to regulate people’s flow to allow only one person at a time.