The Real Danger of AI to Architects: Ally or Competitor?
Artificial Intelligence is a strategic tool, and its development fully affects architects, one of the most important stakeholders in multiple facets of the real estate sector.
Top 6 Architecture Projects of 2021: Social, Sustainable, Sensual
However, even though the global health crisis kept disrupting on-ground operations, it by no means stopped creativity. 2021 brought the launch or development of some of the most ambitious architectural projects of our times, many of which united under the themes of sustainability, inclusion, and robust public spaces.
Digital Car Keys are Convenient, But Not For Thieves
The first automobile in history hit the roads on New Year’s Eve of 1879. Developed by the German engineer Carl Benz, they sported details like an automatic intake slide, a controlled exhaust valve, and a high-voltage electrical vibrator ignition with a spark plug. However, they lacked an essential element that many modern automobiles have: Car keys.