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Digitalized On-Site Security: Fewer Patrols, Greater Control

On-Site Security

The security industry has traditionally been a hands-on one, characterized by physical precautions such as security guards and mechanical keys and locks. The image of a guard patrolling a place with a torch in one hand and a ring with many mechanical keys attached to their belts has long been the picture associated with on-site security.

Near-Field Communication: Top 6 Questions Answered

Near-Field Communication

Near-field communication (NFC) technologies first appeared in 1983, even though it wasn’t until 2006 when Nokia introduced the first NFC-enabled mobile phone. Fast forward to 2021, NFC is a ubiquitous feature for many more mobile phone models and electronic devices.

4 Ways to Prevent Tailgating


Tailgating, the passage of an unauthorized person behind authorized personnel, is one of the most common physical security breaches. Also known as “piggybacking”, tailgating often results from a random act of kindness such as holding the door to a stranger.