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2020 In Review: 7 Top Architecture Projects

Person, Human, Building

The year 2020 was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. The construction industry was likewise affected by the measures taken to combat the pandemic. In many countries, construction sites were partially or completely closed, and tasks were carried out from home where possible.

Millennium: A Glimpse into the Future of Workplace Well-being

Transportation, Car, Vehicle, Workplace Well-Being

From flexible working schedules to plants, or designs to maximize the daylight, workplace well-being has been at the forefront of the architectures of offices in the last decade. Growing scientific interest and countless resulting studies stress the importance of creating workplaces that positively impact team members’ health and comfort.

The Ultimate Guide to Turnstiles: 4 Benefits and Advantages

Human, Person, Flooring, turnstile

When the US supermarket chain Piggly Wiggly opened its doors to customers in the early 20th century, its founder Clarence Saunders worried about overcrowding and mass hysteria. Hence, he installed an entry system to regulate people’s flow to allow only one person at a time.

Beyond Hand Sanitizers: How COVID-19 is Changing the Future of Work

Future of Work

The global spread of the COVID-19 has been asymmetrical: Some countries like New Zealand or Hong Kong were able to significantly reduce the cases by the middle of 2020, some were already embracing the so-called second wave. In the meantime, large and decentralized countries like the United States have seen the viral epicenters shift from dense cities to provincial areas.