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Textile Architecture: 7 Buildings That Interweave Sustainability and Innovation

Lighting, Architecture, Building

Textile architecture revolutionizes the architectural landscape with hybrid and fluid solutions that interweave functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability. Thanks to the synergy between advanced textiles, innovative technologies and BIM software, a new design frontier emerges that can meet the needs of temporary and permanent projects, challenging the traditional indoor-outdoor dichotomy.

Transforming Urban Landscapes: Unlocking the Potential of Parking Facilities

Outdoors, Transportation, Vehicle

“Whoever said life was about the journey and not the destination never had to look for a place to park,” writes journalist Henry Grabar, in his book Paved Paradise: How Parking Explains the World. “Every trip must begin and end with a parking space, and in no uncertain terms. We expect parking to be immediately available, […]

The Reimagined Cityscape: How Electric Vehicles Are Transforming Urban Design

The Reimagined Cityscape: How Electric Vehicles Are Transforming Urban Design

The Electric Vehicles (EV) market is at a pivotal juncture, characterized by robust growth, diversifying price points, and increasing global adoption. The global market is expected to zoom past USD 623 billion this year and surge at a steady 10 percent annual clip until 2028, reaching a whopping USD 906 billion. That translates to nearly […]

6 Most Iconic Green Buildings From 6 Continents

6 Most Iconic Green Buildings From 6 Continents

Our planet is groaning under the weight of unsustainable construction practices. Buildings guzzle a whopping 40 percent of global energy and account for nearly a third of greenhouse gas emissions. The climate crisis demands a monumental shift, and green buildings offer a powerful solution. By minimizing their environmental footprint, they slash energy consumption, conserve precious resources, and even improve […]

Ganvie: 5 Urbanism Lessons From a Floating West African Village

Ganvie: 5 Urbanism Lessons From a Floating West African Village

Ganvie, endearingly nicknamed as the “Venice of Africa,” is a remarkable floating town nestled amidst the tranquil waters of Lake Nokoué in Benin, West Africa. With a population of around 20,000 people, the town is built entirely on stills — and it has been this way for centuries. The colorful wooden houses date back to […]

A Year In Review: Top 5 Architectural Projects of 2023

Merdeka 118

The year 2023 witnessed a dynamic array of cultural developments that reshaped societal norms and challenged traditional narratives — and the field of architecture was no exception. In 2023, as sustainability, inclusion, and cultural preservation took a more central stage than ever in architecture, we witnessed a surge of architectural brilliance, with groundbreaking projects unveiled across the globe. […]