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Big, Medium, Small: 3 Net-Zero Energy Buildings

Nature, Outdoors, Rural, net-zero energy buildings

Buildings and construction are responsible for 39 percent of the carbon emissions in the world. Operational emissions, meaning the energy required to heat, cool, or light a building, account for 28 percent of overall emissions.

Disaster-resilient Architecture: How Architecture Can Reduce Risks

Disaster-resilient Architecture

Over the last decades, natural disasters have been growing in strength and frequency as a result of climate change. The number of weather-related disasters has tripled over the previous 30 years. Furthermore, among the 20,000 earthquakes that shake the world every year, about 16 are in the magnitude of seven or higher.

Slums Can Inspire the Future of Cities. Here’s Why.

Urban, Building, Slum

Around a billion people worldwide live in slums, informal settlements typically populated by the urban poor. These residents represent a third of the global urban population and drive over 90 percent of its growth. By 2030, there’ll be two billion slum dwellers, residing primarily in Asian and African countries.

4 Buildings That Are in Perfect Alignment With Their Habitats

sensitive habitat

“I don’t believe architecture has to speak too much. It should remain silent and let nature in the guise of sunlight and wind,” said celebrated Japanese architect Tadao Ando.
The four following architectural projects in sensitive habitats align precisely with Tadao Ando’s vision. They show that a different world is possible, in terms of both architecture and habitat conservation.

How Industry 4.0 is Ushering in a Sustainable Era

Industry 4.0

Cutting carbon emissions and pollution is only one side of sustainability – although they tend to get the most attention. Sustainability is really about development and growth in an eco-friendly and socially equitable manner. Thanks to smart technologies from the fourth industrial revolution – or Industry 4.0 – sectors like construction and manufacturing can now truly enter a sustainable era.