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How Universities Can Upgrade Themselves During Summers

Thousands of university campuses have been remaining eerily empty following the COVID-19 outbreak. However, with or without a pandemic, summers tend to be the least hectic time of the year for university campuses around the world.

The Challenges and Rewards of Net-Zero Energy Construction

Buildings are to blame, in part, for today’s staggering rates of global warming. As they constitute a whopping 39 percent of the worldwide carbon emissions, it’s not possible to stop the catastrophic temperature rise without making buildings greener. Luckily, the proliferation of net-zero energy construction is doing exactly that, turning this environmental liability into an opportunity.

How BIM can Improve Health and Safety on Construction Sites

health and safety on construction sites

Building Information Modeling (BIM), which has been evolving for the last five decades, won many praises for how much it cuts costs and time in the process of construction. However, in addition to more efficient projects, BIM can step in to save the most crucial resource of any industry: Human lives and health.

How “Sponge Cities” Can Mitigate the Climate Change Risks

Sponge Cities

Cities gave birth to civilization as we know it, according to many historians and archeologists. Since the first cities in Mesopotamia came to be thousands of years ago, the growth of global urbanization has been unstoppable. By 2050, more than two-thirds of the world’s population will reside in cities, a jump from today’s 55 percent.