Micro-Living: Why Occupants Downsize Their Dwellings

For much of the 20th century, a large house in the suburbs with a white picket sense was the ultimate material aspiration. As the most tangible aspect of the “American Dream”, millions associated such dwellings with prosperity and success.
“Seeing Through the Walls”: 3 Uses of Augmented Reality in Construction

Digital technologies drive optimization, boost efficiency, cut costs and environmental impact. As the advanced economies are racing to embrace the new industrial revolution, also known as the “Industry 4.0″, construction remains one of the least digitized sectors.
How Millennials and Gen Z are Changing Cities

It was the early 19th century when the global human population reached a billion for the first time. Then, in just a couple of centuries, this figure grew more than sevenfold. The world population currently stands at around 7.6 billion. As the globe prepares to be the home of almost 10 billion inhabitants by 2050, members of each generation leave a unique mark in history.
Here’s How Sustainable Cities Can Boost Gender Equality

Since the ancient civilizations started to build cities, urban landscapes evolved parallel to the gender roles, associating public spaces with men, and the private sphere with women. However, in the late 20th century, as the global urban population continued to boom, spatial researchers began to emphasize the importance of a gender-sensitive approach to urban planning.
How Blockchain Will Revolutionize Construction

Construction is notoriously a conservative domain. It’s among the least digitized sectors, but also one of the most wasteful, generating 35 percent of the global landfill mass. Yet, with the rise of urbanization and population around the world, the need for new buildings, hence, construction, is direr than ever.
These Architecture Trends Will Dominate 2020

Even though architecture’s development depends on the turns of the global economy, the way people build houses never fails to reflect the demographic shifts, top concerns, and aspirations. Following rapid urbanization, peaking environmental concerns, and the cultural shift brought by the generational changes, the architecture trends we expect to see in 2020 are no exception.