5 Things You Need to Know About ConTech

Names like FinTech (financial technology), and PropTech (property technology) are widely in use. However, as these multi-billion-dollar industries keep raising their influence on global markets, there’s still much mystery surrounding a new member of the “Tech” family: ConTech.
These 5 Trends Will Dominate Office Design in 2020

The rise of remote work, also known as telecommuting, is unstoppable and inevitable. In the United States alone, the number of remote workers skyrocketed by 159 percent between 2005 and 2017. In the meantime, by now, millennials are the largest working group in many parts of the world.
Top 5 Pavilions to Visit During Expo 2020 Revealed

Held every five years since the 1850s, Expo events keep offering invaluable insights about solutions for some of humanity’s biggest challenges. Designed around the three theme districts of opportunity, mobility, and sustainability, many believe the Expo 2020 in Dubai will be the most ambitious one to the date.
The 7 Most Impressive Architecture Projects of 2019

The 2010s have been a monumental decade for architecture around the world. As the Western world slowly recovered from the recession of 2008 and the environmental concerns accelerated, many projects took a minimalist and introspective route.
How to Teach Your Old Building to Become Smart

Today’s buildings aren’t just smart—they’re alive. Smart lighting systems turn lights on and off at optimal times while intelligent heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems micro-adjust throughout the day to maximize energy efficiency.
Flexible Future: Access Control for Coworking Spaces

The future of work is flexible: A third of the workforce in the US is now freelance. Many companies, including larger ones, are opening their doors to an alternative workforce composed of contractors, freelancers, gig workers, and crowd workers because of their ability to enhance organizational performance.