This is How Digitization Will Impact Multifamily Housing Living

The Jetsons, the 1960s futurist cartoon that was made in the US, depicted the namesake family living in Skypad Apartment in the year 2062, in a city called Orbit. The family of four — and their dog — enjoyed a leisurely life in a smart home, complete with a robot maid, flying cars, and other whimsical inventions.
The Horizontal Skyscraper: A New Solution to Urban Overcrowding

Since the world’s first modern skyscraper was built in Chicago in 1885, high-rise buildings of over 40 floors have become a norm for dense urban centers. They’re now almost a symbol of urban progress and architectural achievement. Since 2000, global skyscraper construction rose by 402 percent.
How Drones Can Take Field Service to New Heights

In 2018, the global commercial drone market was worth USD 5.8 billion, with an estimated 275 thousand sales. The market is forecast to grow by over 60 percent in terms of volume from 2019 to 2025.
Human-Centered Architecture: What is It and How It Makes a Difference

While buildings fulfill the most basic human needs like shelter and security, architecture impacts the emotional state of any person who interacts with it. Whether it’s intended or not, a building can provoke a range of emotions such as belonging, awe, fear, or hope.
Digital Car Keys are Convenient, But Not For Thieves

The first automobile in history hit the roads on New Year’s Eve of 1879. Developed by the German engineer Carl Benz, they sported details like an automatic intake slide, a controlled exhaust valve, and a high-voltage electrical vibrator ignition with a spark plug. However, they lacked an essential element that many modern automobiles have: Car keys.
Augmented Reality: A User’s Guide to Smart Phones vs. Smart Glasses

Since Augmented Reality (AR) had its beginnings in the gaming world in the 1960s, it evolved to be a ubiquitous technology both in private and commercial life. As millions want to utilize the interactive experience by blending digital elements and a computerized real-life environment, the AR market is booming.