Touchless Travel: Here’s How Air Travel After COVID-19 Will Be Like

The coronavirus pandemic has been changing the world as we know it in both the short and long term. However, as billions stayed home to flatten the curve, few industries have been affected by COVID-19 like aviation and air travel. Between late March and April 2020, more than 20 major airlines suspended their operations by 100 percent.
5 Most Stunning Apartments in New York City

Yet, tackling the challenges of a dense population on a limited landmass, New York City embraced architectural innovation like few other places. The following are among the five most beautiful apartments in New York City.
The Top 5 Door Hardware Designs of 2020

“The door handle is the handshake of the building,” says Juhani Pallasmaa, celebrated Finnish architect and the author of the book The Eyes of The Skin, which is considered a classic of architectural theory. “ The elements of architecture are not visual units or gestalt; they are encounters, confrontations that interact with memory,” Mr. Pallasmaa observes.
The Challenges and Rewards of Net-Zero Energy Construction

Buildings are to blame, in part, for today’s staggering rates of global warming. As they constitute a whopping 39 percent of the worldwide carbon emissions, it’s not possible to stop the catastrophic temperature rise without making buildings greener. Luckily, the proliferation of net-zero energy construction is doing exactly that, turning this environmental liability into an opportunity.
4 Technologies That Enable Remote Construction

Not long ago, the concept of remote construction might’ve sounded like science fiction to even the most technologically progressive companies. However, even though the digitization process of construction still faces hurdles, the sector is growing an increasing appetite for digital tools to boost efficiency.
Building Homes from Home: Can Construction Work Be Done Remotely?

Digitization continues to touch and disrupt all sectors in ways that weren’t thought to be possible. As a result, in the past decade, telecommuting firmly established itself as the new professional norm. However, can sectors that haven’t been traditionally telecommuting-friendly welcome these shifts?