Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara: Winners of the Pritzker Architecture Prize 2020

This year, Pritzker Architecture Prize, often referred to as the “Nobel Prize in Architecture”, has been granted to Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara. The two women, who are the directors of the Dublin-based Grafton Architects, are the first Irish nationals to receive this honor.
City Pop: The Middle Way Between Hotels and Sharing Economy

As the world is getting closer, travel firmly established itself as one of the largest industries in the world, contributing almost USD 8 trillion to the global economy. It employs over 300 million people, which means about one in 10 working persons is in travel.
How “Green Roofs” Are Taking Over the World

By 2050, almost 70 percent of the world’s booming population will be living in cities. In addition to the challenges of climate change, an exponential urban sprawl might accelerate issues like pollution or extreme weather vulnerability.
What is Facial Recognition and How Does it Work?

We’ve come a long way from ringing the doorbell or even needing keys to enter our homes, offices and buildings. Technology has given us smartphone apps, finger scanners and key cards. And now, facial recognition is making access even more convenient and secure.
5 Young Architects Shaping Design in 2020

As building projects often take years and sometimes even decades, architecture isn’t a career for the impatient. Even if architects complete many striking projects, it takes a lifetime for some to get recognized for their work. Nevertheless, the interest in this rewarding career path is on the rise.
How to Design the Office to Attract and Retain Millennials

Millennials, the generation born between 1980 and 2000, are taking the offices by storm. As of 2020, 35 percent of the global workforce are millennials, also known as Generation Y. By 2025, this figure will rise to 75 percent. In some of the advanced economies of Europe and North America, they’re already the largest working cohort.