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3 Top Reasons Construction Projects Exceed Their Budgets

Despite some recent improvements and ongoing digitization, construction remains one of the least efficient industries in the world. Global labor-productivity growth in construction has averaged only 1 percent a year over the past two decades and was flat in most advanced economies.

How Universities Can Upgrade Themselves During Summers

Thousands of university campuses have been remaining eerily empty following the COVID-19 outbreak. However, with or without a pandemic, summers tend to be the least hectic time of the year for university campuses around the world.

The Essential Winter Checklist for Automatic Doors and Windows

The winter is descending on the Northern Hemisphere, with millions celebrating the seasonal festivities. However, it’s not just wellness-promoting energy that can enter through the doors and windows: Without the right insulation and measures, bitterly cold winter air might be the unwanted guests of the winter parties, accelerating the utility bills and causing residents discomfort.

Lock Manipulation: The Most Common Methods and How to Prevent Them

Lock Manipulation

Responding to the instinct to protect themselves, our ancestors always sought ways to secure their belongings. Archaeologists believe it was Ancient Egyptians who graduated to the first lock from making simple knots using rope or other materials about 4,000 years ago. This was a pin tumbler lock made entirely of wood.